Connected quality goes beyond point solutions. It integrates systems and processes to deliver continuous improvement across the organization.
To some, it might sound straightforward. To others, it could seem like a daunting prospect. A connected, holistic approach to quality is perhaps the biggest opportunity to win an advantage over your competitors. We need to make sure we have the right data, in the correct context, shared with the right people in a timely fashion. Without data we are just guessing, stumbling around in the dark. Data is like vision. Without it we are blind.
We can improve things without measuring them – we just won’t be able to see and act on it. But it’s also possible to damage things without measuring them too, and again, you won’t be able to understand the consequences until it’s happened.
In any situation, how do we know the best course of action? If your business is successful, how do we ensure that success continues? When things go wrong, how do we know what corrective measures to take?
It’s only when we have the right data that we can formulate the best quality management strategies from scheduled maintenance to quality control and process improvements. Data provides clarity and when combined with context and experience, data converts to information and knowledge. This is where insight can facilitate change and inform our plans for growth and development.
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