Industry News

May 26, 2022

Machine Tools 5-Axis Machining Assembly Education & Training Automation Industry News

GROB Looks to Build Skilled Workforce

2022 Apprenticeship Class Orientation and Signing Day to be held on June 4th

GROB Systems, Inc. has announced it will host a 2022 Apprenticeship Class orientation and signing day on June 4th, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the company’s U.S. headquarters, 1070 Navajo Drive, Bluffton, Ohio. New apprentices and their families will learn more about what to expect from the GROB Apprenticeship Program, and they will also celebrate each student choosing this path after high school by participating in a signing day photo opportunity. The 2022 apprenticeship class is made up of 41 individuals from 25 area high schools and 6 area career centers.

The roots of the GROB apprenticeship program date back to the very beginning of the company’s foundation in Bluffton, OH in 1990. “Over the last 32 years, GROB has hired over 450 apprentices,” said Michael Hutecker, GROB Systems CEO. “The continued growth of our apprenticeship program reflects our desire to develop highly skilled employees for GROB, critical as we navigate challenging technological changes as well as labor shortages.” Thirty-two percent of GROB’s current workforce in Bluffton is comprised of past or current apprentices.

The GROB apprenticeship program is a four-year journey comprised of job-specific training, while also building a strong educational foundation. Apprentices get hands-on training and work alongside experienced workers in the manufacturing and assembly areas to further develop their technical skills. Through a partnership with Rhodes State College in Lima, OH apprentices will earn a company-paid associate degree in Engineering Technology. The combination of their GROB training and college coursework will prepare apprentices to become highly skilled mechanical and electrical technicians at GROB.


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This article appeared in the July 2022 issue.
