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To increase cost efficiency in wind turbines, the wind industry has seen a significant rise in power density and an increase in the overall size of geared components. Current designs for multimegawatt turbines demand levelized cost of energy (LCOE) reduction, and the gearbox is a key part of this process. Since fatigue failures nearly always occur at or near the surface, where the stresses are greatest, the surface condition strongly affects the gear life. Consequently, an improved surface condition effectively avoids major redesign or increased material cost due to an increase in part size. Additional finishing methods such as shot peening (SP) and superfinishing (SF) significantly increase the gear load capacity, but these effects have not yet been adequately considered in the current ISO 6336 standard or in any other gear standards. The combination of SP followed by SF will be described here as an “improved gear surface” (IGS).
The research presented in this paper extends the work done on CAD-based simulation approaches with an investigation of the surface topography of gears produced through gear skiving and the investigation of the cutting tool characteristics on the geometry of the produced gear. The study is complemented with the investigation of the cutting forces required in the machining process.
The metalworking community comes together during IMTS to celebrate and promote manufacturing technology. Pavilions include Abrasive Machining, 3D-Printing, Controls, Fabrication, Gear Generation, Machine Components, Metal Removal, Quality Assurance, and Tooling and Workholding. The show is co-located with Hannover Messe USA. The following article looks at a few of the products and technologies offered this September at McCormick Place in Chicago from September 12–17, 2022:
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a space that is maturing at insensate speed—the growth and innovation in materials and technology are staggering. Because of the inherent process of 3D printing, it may allow for a renaissance in the physical design of gears (i.e., integral channels for cooling, lightweighting, and other possibilities) but also holds the potential for gear repairs. Gear Technology spoke with JEOL, Nidec, and Fortify about the technologies they will be on-site to discuss at IMTS 2022.
Where would your business be without standards? Can you imagine if every gear manufacturer used different inspection and rating criteria? Or if you had to re-learn new gear nomenclature for each supplier and customer you talked to? Your costs and lead times would skyrocket whereas your quality and safety would plummet. Standards are the documented set of generally accepted practices, rules, guidelines, and requirements within an industry. They are meant to streamline the process, minimize overall cost and waste while improving quality, reliability, and overall customer satisfaction and fiscal health.
The mere mention of artificial intelligence (AI) often conjures one dystopian vision or another—perhaps the prime example of all is the HAL 9000 going spectacularly awry in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. The prospect of the widespread adoption of AI is understandably alarming to people in a host of ways, but be that as it may, various forms of it are already a central part of how things are done—from finance to health care, from heavy machinery to retail—and the reason for this is simple: AI allows computers to do things people can’t unassisted, and by pairing algorithmic accuracy with automation, this helps save valuable time and resources. However, as AI and other control mechanisms affecting systems grow increasingly sophisticated, the human link to these processes becomes critical.
The company esco, a technology partner for process digitization in the gear and cutting tool industry, is adding a technology module to its software for the Power Skiving process chain.
At Automate 2022, attendees will have the opportunity to experience how complete, end-to-end automation solutions from KUKA Robotics can help them exceed their production goals.
Ipsen recently installed the second Turbo2Treater vacuum furnace at Temprasud, a commercial heat treater in Fresagrandinaria, Italy.
Kadia has been designing deburring robot cells based on 6-axis industrial robots for many years. In the meantime, a new trend is now emerging, solutions with an even higher value-added component, i.e., with general machining processes such as milling, drilling or thread cutting. The robot is thus no longer just part of a deburring machine.
The new iWire function from GF Machining Solutions automatically identifies and adapts wire speed to changing erosion height conditions during the wire EDM process. This capability eliminates wire breakage while reducing overall wire consumption per job, in some instances by as much as 29 percent.
A newly designed Vacuum Oil Quench (VOQ) furnace, purchased by Solar Atmospheres of Western PA, recently entered into full production after passing a vigorous start up protocol.
SMW Autoblok sets a new standard for power chucks with the introduction of the CC e-motion electric 4-jaw chuck featuring wireless power and signal transmission.
The new KISSsoft Release 2022 provides numerous innovations - amongst others, in order to include the tooth fatigue limit in the verification, the information can be generated from time series.
Verisurf Software, Inc. announces support for the new Hexagon, Leica AT500, and B-Probe plus CMM. Verisurf interfaces with Leica Laser Tracker Systems for data collection and 3D measurement workflows, including alignments, inspection, tool building, assembly, scanning, analysis, reporting, automation, and reverse engineering.
The Chiron Group Open House in Tuttlingen, Germany welcomed more than 1,200 expert visitors from around the world May 11-13, offering new ideas and to improve their manufacturing practice – in the Chiron spirit of “Performance meets Precision.”
GROB Systems, Inc. has announced it will host a 2022 Apprenticeship Class orientation and signing day on June 4th, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the company’s U.S. headquarters, 1070 Navajo Drive, Bluffton, Ohio.
EMCO caters for customers from industries which are as versatile as the company's range of products. Traditional small and medium-sized companies have been an integral part of EMCO's customer base for many years.
Eaton Cummins Automated Transmission Technologies recently announced a new online selector tool, which helps users choose the optimal transmission from its portfolio.
Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division recently announced the winners of its first cohort of start-ups selected to help the manufacturing industry operate more sustainably and efficiently. The company launched its Sixth Sense open innovation platform in January 2022 to challenge how multinationals approach innovation and help nurture creative solutions to emerging manufacturing challenges by connecting with world-class companies to solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges.
It is with great sadness Gleason Corporation announces the passing of James S. Gleason, a Gleason board member and former chairman and CEO of the company who died on June 17th at the age of 88 years old. Jim, a great grandson of the company’s founder William Gleason, contributed to the company in various roles, continuing to serve as a director on the board up until his death.
Velo3D, Inc. has announced the opening of its European Technology Center in Augsburg, Germany to manage the company’s operations in Europe, host customers for trainings, and conduct meetings with customers and partners.