
Threaded Wheel Grinding

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-11-17

Forest City Gear Expands Threaded Wheel Grinding Capabilities

Forest City Gear now can perform hard fine finishing of larger diameter cylindrical gears faster and more efficiently in higher volumes w...

IMTS Future Tech

The Digital Manufacturing Revolution Evolves in 2020 IMTS will offer two comprehensive digital programs, IMTS Network and IMTS Sp...

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-11-15

Beautiful on the Inside

Higher Quality Internal Gears


Slow and Steady

The results of our Annual State of the Gear Industry Survey (See page 26) provided insight on 2016 as well as forecasts for 2017. Here is additional insight from some of the industry's leaders.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-08-05

Gleason Genesis 200GX Threaded Wheel Grinding Machine to be Introduced at Gear Expo

Gleason recently announced it will introduce advanced machines, tooling, and global customer support services covering a wide array of pr...

Prediction of Surface Zone Changes in Generating Gear Grinding

One process for hard finishing gears is generating gear grinding. Due to its high process efficiency, generating gear grinding has replaced other grinding processes such as profile grinding in batch production of small- and middle-sized gears. Yet despite the wide industrial application of generating gear grinding, the process design is based on experience along with time- and cost-intensive trials. The science-based analysis of generating gear grinding demands a high amount of time and effort, and only a few published scientific analyses exist. In this report a thermo-mechanical process model that describes influences on the surface zone in generating gear grinding is introduced.

Leadership 101 — Commitment

[starbox] Much of what I believe about leadership I learned from the scouting program. I was a scout as a boy and when my children reached that ...
PRODUCT NEWS | 2013-01-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2005-01-07

Rush Gears Publishes New Gear Design Guide

Rush Gears published a complete design guide that identifies 120,000 pre-engineered English and Western metric gears, gear formulas, hors...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2003-12-06

New Flathoning Machines from Stahli

The Model DLM flathoning machine 705 from Stahli features a new construction and allows for faster processing speeds. According to the...

CBN Gear Grinding - A Way to Higher Load Capacity

Because of the better thermal conductivity of CBN abrasives compared to that of conventional aluminum oxide wheels, CBN grinding process, which induces residual compressive stresses into the component, and possibly improves the subsequent stress behavior. This thesis is the subject of much discussion. In particular, recent Japanese publications claim great advantages for the process with regard to an increased component load capacity, but do not provide further details regarding the technology, test procedures or components investigated. This situation needs clarification, and for the this reason the effect of the CBN grinding material on the wear behavior and tooth face load capacity of continuously generated ground gears was further investigated.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1993-07-01

Gear Tip Chamfer and Gear Noise; Surface Measurement of Spiral Bevel Gear Teeth

Could the tip chamfer that manufacturing people usually use on the tips of gear teeth be the cause of vibration in the gear set? The set in question is spur, of 2.25 DP, with 20 degrees pressure angle. The pinion has 14 teeth and the mating gear, 63 teeth. The pinion turns at 535 rpm maximum. Could a chamfer a little over 1/64" cause a vibration problem?

Grinding of Spur and Helical Gears

Grinding is a technique of finish-machining, utilizing an abrasive wheel. The rotating abrasive wheel, which id generally of special shape or form, when made to bear against a cylindrical shaped workpiece, under a set of specific geometrical relationships, will produce a precision spur or helical gear. In most instances the workpiece will already have gear teeth cut on it by a primary process, such as hobbing or shaping. There are essentially two techniques for grinding gears: form and generation. The basic principles of these techniques, with their advantages and disadvantages, are presented in this section.

Hard Finishing By Conventional Generating and Form Grinding

The quality of a gear and its performance is determined by the following five parameters, which should be specified for each gear: Pitch diameter, involute form, lead accuracy, spacing accuracy, and true axis of rotation. The first four parameters can be measured or charted and have to be within tolerance with respect to the fifth. Pitch diameter, involute, lead, and spacing of a gear can have master gear quality when measured or charted on a testing machine, but the gear might perform badly if the true axis of rotation after installation is no longer the same one used when testing the gear.