
Generating Grinding


Force Modeling in Generating Gear Grinding Considering the Grinding Worm Topography

For the research developed in this work, an existing simulation model of the generating gear grinding process based on a penetration calculation approach is used. Further, an extension of the model considering a realistic modeling of the grinding worm topography and the macro movements of the grinding worm during the process is presented. The result of the simulation is the microinteraction characteristics throughout
the grinding of the gear flank. In the end, the information about microinteraction characteristics obtained will be used for the calculation of force and energy in generating gear grinding.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-05-06

Klingelnberg Examines Gear Grinding Challenges Today

Within the last decade, hard finishing technologies become highly relevant. Increasing the power density of a gearbox requires precisely machined gears without heat distortions. Especially in noise-sensitive applications, both honing and grinding are often applied.


Kapp Niles Examines Intelligent Generating Grinding for E-mobility

Fully electric vehicle drives usually require two-stage, non-switchable transmissions. One would think that this greatly simplifies the production. Finally, the described transmission structure has just four gears, distributed on the drive shaft, the second stage with fixed wheel and intermediate shaft as well as the axle drive wheel. But the conditions are not that simple: First of all, the engine speeds of the electric drive with up to 16,000 rpm are much higher than those of the combustion engine. For this purpose, electric motors deliver an almost constant torque over a wide speed range. Unlike the combustion engine, it is already attached to the transmission from zero speed. In addition, there is an additional boundary condition that makes production much more demanding than with the conventional powertrain.


IMTS Future Tech

The Digital Manufacturing Revolution Evolves in 2020 IMTS will offer two comprehensive digital programs, IMTS Network and IMTS Sp...

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-11-20

Liebherr and Morat Swoboda Collaborate on E-Mobility Solutions

Few topics are currently so intensely discussed as climate and the question of future-viable mobility. Stress caused by car traffic, particularly a...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-10-25

Gear Expo Day 1


Efficient Hard Finishing of Asymmetric Tooth Profiles and Topological Modifications by Generating Grinding

In order to improve load-carrying capacity and noise behavior, gears usually have profile and lead modifications. Furthermore, in gears where a specified tooth-flank load application direction (for drive and coast flanks) is a design enhancement, or even compulsory, the asymmetric tooth profile is a further solution. Nowadays, many gears need to be hard finished. Continuous generating grinding offers a very high process efficiency, but is this process able to grind all modifications, especially asymmetric gears? Yes, it is!

Twist Control Grinding

This paper introduces the latest process developments for the hard-finishing of gears, specifically in regard to controlling the so-called flank twist.

Innovations for High Productivity Generating Grinding

In comparison to the visionary Industry 4.0 - or the Fourth Industrial Revolution - the machine tool industry can appear rather down-to-earth.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2015-09-01

Product News

News about New Products

Prediction of Surface Zone Changes in Generating Gear Grinding

One process for hard finishing gears is generating gear grinding. Due to its high process efficiency, generating gear grinding has replaced other grinding processes such as profile grinding in batch production of small- and middle-sized gears. Yet despite the wide industrial application of generating gear grinding, the process design is based on experience along with time- and cost-intensive trials. The science-based analysis of generating gear grinding demands a high amount of time and effort, and only a few published scientific analyses exist. In this report a thermo-mechanical process model that describes influences on the surface zone in generating gear grinding is introduced.

If You Are Going to Make Buggy Whips…

[starbox] If you are going to make buggy whips, they better be good ones. That is the lesson I took away from reading about hundred-year-old Wis...

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

[starbox] If ever a situation cried out for a short, texting-friendly acronym it is the unavoidable problem of “You don’t know what you don’t kn...
PRODUCT NEWS | 2013-01-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.

Your Tax Dollars at Work: U.S. Commerce Department, Your Boots on the Ground Overseas

Easily one of the central issues affecting U.S. manufacturing is what one might call the exports deficit—the inability of American companies to sell products to, for instance, Asian markets, developing countries and other ports of call—due to what they perceive to be unfair trade agreements and or policies.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2006-04-12

Zero Max’s New Linear Actuators Convert Rotary Motion into Precise Linear Motion

The Roh’lix linear actuators from Zero-Max convert rotary motion to linear travel and carry loads at speeds up to 70" per second, de...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2006-04-11

Alpha Gear’s Gearmotor Offers Significant Reduction in Inertia

The TPM from alpha gear drives Inc. is a geared motor containing a rotary actuator based on an AC servo motor and high precision planetar...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2006-04-11

Ondrives’ New Gearbox Emphasizes Torque and Speed

A new line of DC motorized worm and wheel reduction gearboxes from Ondrives is fitted with 24V DC motors that operate at 12V DC. Accor...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2001-01-01

Industry News

Complete Industry News for January/February 2001.

CBN Gear Grinding - A Way to Higher Load Capacity

Because of the better thermal conductivity of CBN abrasives compared to that of conventional aluminum oxide wheels, CBN grinding process, which induces residual compressive stresses into the component, and possibly improves the subsequent stress behavior. This thesis is the subject of much discussion. In particular, recent Japanese publications claim great advantages for the process with regard to an increased component load capacity, but do not provide further details regarding the technology, test procedures or components investigated. This situation needs clarification, and for the this reason the effect of the CBN grinding material on the wear behavior and tooth face load capacity of continuously generated ground gears was further investigated.

Grinding of Spur and Helical Gears

Grinding is a technique of finish-machining, utilizing an abrasive wheel. The rotating abrasive wheel, which id generally of special shape or form, when made to bear against a cylindrical shaped workpiece, under a set of specific geometrical relationships, will produce a precision spur or helical gear. In most instances the workpiece will already have gear teeth cut on it by a primary process, such as hobbing or shaping. There are essentially two techniques for grinding gears: form and generation. The basic principles of these techniques, with their advantages and disadvantages, are presented in this section.

Hard Finishing By Conventional Generating and Form Grinding

The quality of a gear and its performance is determined by the following five parameters, which should be specified for each gear: Pitch diameter, involute form, lead accuracy, spacing accuracy, and true axis of rotation. The first four parameters can be measured or charted and have to be within tolerance with respect to the fifth. Pitch diameter, involute, lead, and spacing of a gear can have master gear quality when measured or charted on a testing machine, but the gear might perform badly if the true axis of rotation after installation is no longer the same one used when testing the gear.