

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2024-03-26

KISSsoft New Release Available in April

The new KISSsoft release 2024 is coming soon! This April will bring you the new system module KISSdesign, accelerating the calculation of complex drive trains and replacing the previous KISSsys software.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2024-02-13

FVA-Workbench Version 9 Redefines Gearbox Design

With the release of version 9, the FVA-Workbench once again sets new standards in gearbox design, enabling the seamless integration of the latest research results into industrial practice. As a groundbreaking interface between collective research and application, the FVA-Workbench accelerates development and innovation in drive technology. This new release is more powerful than ever, with innovative features for flexible load spectra and improvements in FEM components and shaft-hub connections.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-10-25

GWJ Technology Celebrates 20 Years of eAssistant Software

A good 20 years have passed since the web-based calculation software eAssistant saw the light of day in the digital world. The software is probably the oldest commercial online solution for the design, recalculation and optimization of machine elements such as shafts, bearings, shaft-hub connections, gears, bolted joints, springs, etc. The calculations are based on internationally accepted standards and guidelines as well as technical literature.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-09-26

GWJ Technology Offers Integrated Solutions for Gears in 3D CAD Systems

GWJ Technology GmbH has introduced new versions of its integration modules for Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor and Solid Edge. In addition to comprehensive tooth form output in 2D DXF or 3D STEP/IGES for various gear types, GWJ also offers integration modules for its calculation solutions eAssistant and TBK in various 3D CAD systems.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-04-06

KISSsoft Expands Fine Sizing Capabilities with Release 2023

In an urgent assignment, a gear has to be designed, with the engineer already knowing the required reduction ratio, torque and speed. On the manufacturing side, the preferred materials, possible qualities and the reference profiles are specified. This initial situation represents an everyday task.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2023-03-24

KISSsoft Release 2023 Available in April

The new KISSsoft release 2023 comes with numerous novelties. Among others, Gear Mesh Frequencies (GMF) can now be calculated for cylindrical and bevel gears. GMF results are visualized in two different diagrams, i.e. GMF versus rotational frequency of the reference gear, and GMF versus amplitude.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-02-02

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives: Nidec Machine Tool America

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives takes an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities in gear manufacturing today and in the future. Our fourth installment online is an interview with Scott Knoy, vice president of sales at Nidec Machine Tool America. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-01-31

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives: Liebherr

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives takes an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities in gear manufacturing today and in the future. Our third installment online is an interview with Peter Wiedemann, managing director, Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH and Scott Yoders, vice president sales, Liebherr Gear Technology, Inc. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-01-30

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives: Klingelnberg

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives takes an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities in gear manufacturing today and in the future. Our second installment online is an interview with Christof Gorgels, vice president, innovation and technology at Klingelnberg. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-01-27

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives: Gleason Corporation

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives takes an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities in gear manufacturing today and in the future. Our first installment online is an interview with Udo Stolz, vice president of sales and marketing at Gleason Corporation.


Algorithm-Based Optimization of Gear Mesh Efficiency in Stepped Planetary Gear Stages for Electric Vehicles

The objective of this paper is to develop a method for the algorithm-based design and optimization of the macrogeometry of stepped planetary gear stages.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-05-13

SEGULA Technologies and Senseye Partner on IIoT Solutions

SEGULA Technologies and British scale up Senseye, specialized in predictive maintenance based on artificial intelligence, have announced the signing of a partnership.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-04-28

SMT Webinar Examines Software Tips and Tricks

SMT's latest webinar "MASTA Support - Tips, Tricks and FAQ" will take place May 4, 2022. The SMT customer support team receive queries covering all areas of MASTA, with industry 'hot topics' inevitably arising. In this webinar, SMT engineers focus on answering some of the queries that frequently make it into their support inbox. 

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-04-21

KUKA Highlights End-to-End Automation Solutions at Automate 2022

At Automate 2022, attendees will have the opportunity to experience how complete, end-to-end automation solutions from KUKA Robotics can help them exceed their production goals.


Psychoacoustic Optimization of Gear Noise - Chaotic Scattering of Micro Geometry and Pitch on Cylindrical Gears

A validated simulation model is used to analyze more in-depth investigations into the influence of a stochastic course of the pitch error on the quasi-static excitation behavior.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-06-09

SMT Offer Training Workshop: Optimization Tools in MASTA

SMT's June workshops discuss MASTA's wide ranging optimization tools, a selection of features which simplify the optimization pro...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-06-01

Hybrid Metrology with Klingelnberg

An overview of tactile and optical metrology

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-02-22

Fatigue Strength and Service Calculation of Gears

Bevel gear design is well-established. Flank geometry optimization is used worldwide to ensure satisfactory low-noise emis...


Team Chemistry

Recent posts have covered finding new employees and how the supervisors and new hires can make the “adoption” work smoothly. Now we get to the real...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-06-17

Hoffmann Group Taps WFL Millturn to Test and Optimize Tools

Pushed to the Maximum

With over 4,000 employees and an extensive range of tools, operating equipment and personal protec...

Grinding Wheel Wear, Dressing, Tip Advance and Work Phase Angle Adjustment after Corrections

Are there rules to aid in grinding process optimization?

Design and Optimization of a Hybrid Vehicle Transmission

The paper is not the proof of a discovery, but it is the description of a method: the optimization of the microgeometry for cylindrical gears. The method has been applied and described on some transmissions with helical gears and compound epicyclic, used on different hybrid vehicles. However, the method is also valid for industrial gearboxes.

Hanspeter Dinner—My Story

It was the middle of December — rainy, dark, late, cold. My job with a roller coaster company was the wrong choice. I had a job interview with KISS...

Ed Kaske — My Story

Ed Kaske was one of the first to respond to our request for origin stories. I apologize for the delay in getting this to print; we liked it so ...

Permanent Records

Avoiding corpo...

Frequently Asked Questions

Backlash “adju...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-09-05

Hainbuch Taps Hänel for Mandrel Prototype Test

Hard work and first-class teamwork between the gear factory Hänel and Hainbuch has paid off. The new mandrel Mando G211 for gear manufacturers, sui...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-08-15

IMTS 2018: A Field Guide

Chicago Preps for the Next Manufacturing Technology Extravaganza Matthew Jaster, Senior Editor
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-04-30

EMAG Gets Smart with Mobile Analytics

Machine data has never been easier to collect, distribute and analyze. Monitoring production lines, evaluating tools and surveying tool conditions ...

Moderation Instead of Modification

Few designers would feel comfortable with a face to pinion pitch diameter ratio of 2.00 anymore. Some still prefer to select face width by face con...

What About Face Width?

The second component in that face contact ratio equation is the face width. There are almost as many “rules of thumb” for determining the “proper” ...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-02-12

IIoT Spotlight: The Job Shop

As IIoT solutions become more readily available throughout the manufacturing sector, challenges continue when you start looking specifically at the...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-01-31

IIoT Spotlight: A Look at Honeywell Connected Plant

One of the most relevant topics in manufacturing right now is predicting process conditions and equipment failures for continuous improvement on th...

Fact Checking Legends

The much better half returned from her first beauty shop appointment in Oil City, shaking her newly coiffed head. Her stylist was an Oil Country li...

What Makes a Good Design?

In my last post I insisted that good design wins in the marketplace. As a student of automotive history, I am compelled to admit that some very gre...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-03-21

Worm Gears: Higher Energy Efficiency and Less Strain on Resources

Introduction The concepts of sustainability and energy efficiency are gaining importance in power transmission engineering. Mor...

Analysis and Optimization of Contact Ratio of Asymmetric Gears

This article presents an analysis of asymmetric tooth gears considering the effective contact ratio that is also affected by bending and contact tooth deflections. The goal is to find an optimal solution for high performance gear drives, which would combine high load capacity and efficiency, as well as low transmission error (which affects gear noise and vibration).

IMTS 2016 Booth Previews

Comprehensive descriptions of what you will find in the booths of many leading gear industry suppliers at IMTS 2016.

Worm Gear Efficiency Estimation and Optimization

This paper outlines the comparison of efficiencies for worm gearboxes with a center distance ranging from 28 - 150 mm that have single reduction from 5 to 100:1. Efficiencies are calculated using several standards (AGMA, ISO, DIN, BS) or by methods defined in other bibliographic references. It also deals with the measurement of torque and temperature on a test rig — required for the calibration of an analytical model to predict worm gearbox efficiency and temperature. And finally, there are examples of experimental activity (wear and friction measurements on a blockon- ring tribometer and the measurements of dynamic viscosity) regarding the effort of improving the efficiency for worm gear drivers by adding nanoparticles of fullerene shape to standard PEG lubricant
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2016-05-10

Walter Wear-Optimization App Decreases Wear on Indexable-Inserts and Round-Tools

A new Walter app, which works on all current mobile devices and operating systems, enables users to identify all specific forms of wear o...

Plastic Gearing Continues Converting the Unconverted

Plastic gears are everywhere today - throughout your car, at the oceans' lowest depths, in deep space. The question, when is a metal gear a candidate for plastic conversion, can be addressed in three words, i.e. what's the application?
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2015-06-01

Good Morning, Class

Since we began publishing in 1984, Gear Technology's mission has been to educate our readers. For 31 years, we've shown you the basics of gear manufacturing as well as the cutting edge. We take our educational mission quite seriously, and we go through steps that most publishers don't have time for or wouldn't consider.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-06-01

Industry News

News from Around the Gear Industry
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-04-14

AKGears Unveils Latest Tooth Root Fillet Optimization Software

AKGears recently introduced the only commercially available tooth root fillet optimization software that defines the tooth root fillet pr...
EVENTS | 2015-03-01


The complete technical calendar from the March/April 2015 issue of Gear Technology.
ASK THE EXPERT | 2014-11-01

Small-Module Gear Design

Gears with a diametral pitch 20 and greater, or a module 1.25 millimeters and lower, are called fine-pitch or low-module gears. The design of these gears has its own specifics.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2014-05-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the May 2014 issue of Gear Technology.

Design and Optimization of Planetary Gears Considering All Relevant Influences

Light-weight construction and consideration of available resources result in gearbox designs with high load capacity and power density. At the same time, expectations for gear reliability are high. Additionally, there is a diversity of planetary gears for different applications.

Light-Weight Design for Planetary Gear Transmissions

There is a great need for future powertrains in automotive and industrial applications to improve upon their efficiency and power density while reducing their dynamic vibration and noise initiation. It is accepted that planetary gear transmissions have several advantages in comparison to conventional transmissions, such as a high power density due to the power division using several planet gears. This paper presents planetary gear transmissions, optimized in terms of efficiency, weight and volume.

Tooth Root Optimization of Powder Metal Gears - Reducing Stress from Bending and Transient Loads

This paper will provide examples of stress levels from conventional root design using a hob and stress levels using an optimized root design that is now possible with PM manufacturing. The paper will also investigate how PM can reduce stresses in the root from transient loads generated by abusive driving.

Gear Design Optimization for Low Contact Temperature of a High Speed, Non Lubricated Spur Gear Pair

A gear design optimization approach applied to reduce tooth contact temperature and noise excitation of a high-speed spur gear pair running without lubricant. Optimum gear design search was done using the Run Many Cases software program. Thirty-one of over 480,000 possible gear designs were considered, based on low contact temperature and low transmission error. The best gear design was selected considering its manufacturability.

Optimization of a Process Chain for Gear Shaft Manufacturing

The research presented here is part of an ongoing (six years to date) project of the Cluster of Excellence (CoE). CoE is a faculty-wide group of researchers from RWTH Aachen University in Aachen (North Rhine-Westphalia). This presentation is a result of the group’s examination of "integrative production technology for high-wage countries," in which a shaft for a dual-clutch gearbox is developed.

Gear Software - Without it, Hardware Goes Nowhere

It’s a brave, new hardware-software world out there. Players in the worldwide gear industry who don’t have plenty of both run the risk of becoming irrelevant—sooner than later.

Application of the First International Calculation Method for Micropitting

The first edition of the international calculation method for micropitting—ISO TR 15144–1:2010—was just published last December. It is the first and only official, international calculation method established for dealing with micropitting. Years ago, AGMA published a method for the calculation of oil film thickness containing some comments about micropitting, and the German FVA published a calculation method based on intensive research results. The FVA and the AGMA methods are close to the ISO TR, but the calculation of micropitting safety factors is new.

Next Stop Cincinnati

What's not to like about a more focused, user-friendly Gear Expo? Booth Previews.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2011-08-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the August 2011 issue of Gear Technology.

Tooth Fillet Profile Optimization for Gears with Symmetric and Asymmetric Teeth

The gear tooth fillet is an area of maximum bending stress concentration. However, its profile is typically less specified in the gear drawing and hardly controlled during gear inspection in comparison with the gear tooth flanks. This paper presents a fillet profile optimization technique for gears with symmetric and asymmetric teeth based on FEA and a random search method. It allows achieving substantial bending stress reduction in comparison with traditionally designed gears. This bending stress reduction can be traded for higher load capacity, longer lifetime, lower noise and vibration and cost reduction.
VOICES | 2009-07-01

Optimization through Customization

Many engineers and purchasing agents think it is more expensive to custom design a component or assembly these days when often customization can save on total costs.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2006-09-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from September/October 2006.

Gear Shaving - Process Simulation Helps to Comprehend an Incomprehensible Process

Due to its economical efficiency, the gear shaving process is a widely used process for soft finishing of gears. A simulation technique allows optimization of the process.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2005-09-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the September/October 2005 issue of Gear Technology.

Systematic Investigations on the Influence of Case Depth on the Pitting and Bending Strength of Case Carburized Gears

The gear designer needs to know how to determine an appropriate case depth for a gear application in order to guarantee the required load capacity.

Good Basic Design or Sophisticated Flank Optimizations - Each at the Right Time

More strength, less noise. Those are two major demands on gears, including bevel and hypoid gears.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2003-07-01

Product News

Complete Product News for July/August 2003.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1997-07-01

M & M Precision, Penn State & NIST Team Up For Gear Metrology Research

In 1993, M & M Precision Systems was awarded a three-year, partial grant from the Advanced Technology Program of the Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Working with Pennsylvania State University, M&M embarked on a technology development project to advance gear measurement capabilities to levels of accuracy never before achieved.
ADDENDUM | 1997-03-01

Down By The Old Mill Stream

Back in the days when our great, great, great, etc., grandaddies were designing gears, one of the most common materials in use was wood. For fairly obvious reasons, we don't see too many wooden gears around anymore. But there are a few.

Maximum Life Spiral Bevel Reduction Design

Optimization is applied to the design of a spiral bevel gear reduction for maximum life at a given size. A modified feasible directions search algorithm permits a wide variety of inequality constraints and exact design requirements to be met with low sensitivity to initial values. Gear tooth bending strength and minimum contact ration under load are included in the active constraints. The optimal design of the spiral bevel gear reduction includes the selection of bearing and shaft proportions in addition to gear mesh parameters. System life is maximized subject to a fixed back-cone distance of the spiral bevel gear set for a specified speed ratio, shaft angle, input torque and power. Significant parameters in the design are the spiral angle, the pressure angle, the numbers of teeth on the pinion and gear and the location and size of the four support bearings. Interpolated polynomials expand the discrete bearing properties and proportions into continuous variables for gradient optimization. After finding the continuous optimum, a designer can analyze near-optimal designs for comparison and selection. Design examples show the influence of the bearing lives on the gear parameters in the optimal configurations. For a fixed back-cone distance, optimal designs with larger shaft angles have larger service lives.

Practical Optimization of Helical Gears Using Computer Software

The aim of this article is to show a practical procedure for designing optimum helical gears. The optimization procedure is adapted to technical limitations, and it is focused on real-world cases. To emphasize the applicability of the procedure presented here, the most common optimization techniques are described. Afterwards, a description of some of the functions to be optimized is given, limiting parameters and restrictions are defined, and, finally, a graphic method is described.

Design Guidelines for High-Capacity Bevel Gear Systems

The design of any gearing system is a difficult, multifaceted process. When the system includes bevel gearing, the process is further complicated by the complex nature of the bevel gears themselves. In most cases, the design is based on an evaluation of the ratio required for the gear set, the overall envelope geometry, and the calculation of bending and contact stresses for the gear set to determine its load capacity. There are, however, a great many other parameters which must be addressed if the resultant gear system is to be truly optimum. A considerable body of data related to the optimal design of bevel gears has been developed by the aerospace gear design community in general and by the helicopter community in particular. This article provides a summary of just a few design guidelines based on these data in an effort to provide some guidance in the design of bevel gearing so that maximum capacity may be obtained. The following factors, which may not normally be considered in the usual design practice, are presented and discussed in outline form: Integrated gear/shaft/bearing systems Effects of rim thickness on gear tooth stresses Resonant response

A Rational Procedure for Designing Minimum-Weight Gears

A simple, closed-form procedure is presented for designing minimum-weight spur and helical gearsets. The procedure includes methods for optimizing addendum modification for maximum pitting and wear resistance, bending strength, or scuffing resistance.

The Lubrication of Gears - Part II

What follows is Part 2 of a three-part article covering the principles of gear lubrication. Part 2 gives an equation for calculating the lubricant film thickness, which determines whether the gears operate in the boundary, elastohydrodynamic, or full-film lubrication regime. An equation for Blok's flash temperature, which is used for predicting the risk of scuffing, is also given.

Efficient Methods for the Synthesis of Compound Planetary Differential Gear Trains for Multiple Speed Ratio Generation

This article presents an efficient and direct method for the synthesis of compound planetary differential gear trains for the generation of specified multiple speed ratios. It is a train-value method that utilizes the train values of the integrated train components of the systems to form design equations which are solved for the tooth numbers of the gears, the number of mating gear sets and the number of external contacts in the system. Application examples, including vehicle differential transmission units, rear-end differentials with unit and fractional speed ratios, multi-input functions generators and robot wrist joints are given.

Gear Noise and the Making of Silent Gears

Our research group has been engaged in the study of gear noise for some nine years and has succeeded in cutting the noise from an average level to some 81-83 dB to 76-78 dB by both experimental and theoretical research. Experimental research centered on the investigation into the relation between the gear error and noise. Theoretical research centered on the geometry and kinematics of the meshing process of gears with geometric error. A phenomenon called "out-of-bound meshing of gears" was discovered and mathematically proven, and an in-depth analysis of the change-over process from the meshing of one pair of teeth to the next is followed, which leads to the conclusion we are using to solve the gear noise problem. The authors also suggest some optimized profiles to ensure silent transmission, and a new definition of profile error is suggested.

Calculation of Optimum Tooth Flank Corrections for Helical Gears

The load carrying behavior of gears is strongly influenced by local stress concentrations in the tooth root and by Hertzian pressure peaks in the tooth flanks produced by geometric deviations associated with manufacturing, assembly and deformation processes. The dynamic effects within the mesh are essentially determined by the engagement shock, the parametric excitation and also by the deviant tooth geometry.
VOICES | 1985-11-01

Industry Forum

One of the current research activities here at California State University at Fullerton is systematization of existing knowledge of design of planetary gear trains.