


Mechanical Power Loss of Spur Gears Subject to Various Surface Finish Pairings

Mechanical power loss in gears is generated through sliding and rolling of the contact resulting in frictional work and elastic hysteresis generation of heat. This action is both a parasitic loss of energy from the drivetrain and a source of engineering costs to control system temperature to avoid heat-related failures of the gearbox components. Therefore, from both a cost and durability standpoint it is of great interest to minimize the frictional losses at the gear tooth contact interface.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-10-27

Digital Metrology Introduces TraceBoss Software for Portable Roughness Gages

Digital Metrology Solutions, provider of measurement software, consulting, and training, has introduced the TraceBoss software package for portable roughness gages.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-06-01

Hybrid Metrology with Klingelnberg

An overview of tactile and optical metrology

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-03-18

Kapp Niles Metrology Offers Roughness Measurement

Discover the option of roughness measurement from Kapp Niles Metrology for determining surface roughness of gear teeth. The tactile measu...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-08-10

Michigan Metrology Offers Online Courses in Surface Roughness, Texture and Tribology

Michigan Metrology, experts in solving problems related to surface texture, wear, finish and friction, are now offering courses in surfac...

IMTS Future Tech

The Digital Manufacturing Revolution Evolves in 2020 IMTS will offer two comprehensive digital programs, IMTS Network and IMTS Sp...


Fully Automated Roughness Measurement on Gears — Even on the Shop Floor

Klingelnberg presents the technical aspects of its roughness measurement system.

A Fresh Set of Eyes

Hanspeter Dinner’s account of his “baptism by fire” into the gear industry contains a number of important lessons for other “newbies”; some reminde...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-04-03

Mahr Offers MarSurf GD Series for Roughness Measurements

Mahr Inc. has announced the addition of the MarSurf GD series for roughness measurements to its new line of surface measuring instruments...

Moving Heat Treating In-Line

Single Piece Flow Streamlines Production for High-Volume Gear Manufacturers.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-11-15

Beautiful on the Inside

Higher Quality Internal Gears


Complete Measurement of Gearbox Components

In today's production environment, a variety of different measurement devices is used to assess the quality and accuracy of workpieces. These devices include CMMs, gear checkers, form testers, roughness testers, and more. It requires a high machine investment and a high handling effort - especially if a full end-of-line measurement is needed. One approach to reduce quality costs is to include all measurements in one single machine that is suitable and robust enough for use in production.
ASK THE EXPERT | 2017-11-01

Friction Coefficient of Differently Treated Steel Surfaces

A reader asks about ion-nitride finished shafts and the proper friction coefficient to be used for calculations.

Gear Tooth Surface Roughness of Helical Gears Manufactured by a Form Milling Cutter

Manufacturing involute gears using form grinding or form milling wheels are beneficial to hobs in some special cases, such as small scale production and, the obvious, manufacture of internal gears. To manufacture involute gears correctly the form wheel must be purpose-designed, and in this paper the geometry of the form wheel is determined through inverse calculation. A mathematical model is presented where it is possible to determine the machined gear tooth surface in three dimensions, manufactured by this tool, taking the finite number of cutting edges into account. The model is validated by comparing calculated results with the observed results of a gear manufactured by an indexable insert milling cutter.

Surface Roughness Measurements of Cylindrical Gears and Bevel Gears on Gear Inspection Machines

Alongside the macro test parameters on tooth flanks for profile and tooth traces, surface properties (roughness) play a decisive role in ensuring proper toothed gear function. This article addresses roughness measurement systems on tooth flanks. In addition to universal test equipment, modified test equipment based on the profile method for use on gears is addressed in particular. The equipment application here refers to cylindrical gear flanks and bevel gear flanks. The most important roughness parameters, as well as the implementation of the precise measurement procedure will also be described under consideration of the applicable DIN EN ISO standards as well as the current VDI/VDE Directive 2612 Sheet 5.
ASK THE EXPERT | 2014-11-01

Small-Module Gear Design

Gears with a diametral pitch 20 and greater, or a module 1.25 millimeters and lower, are called fine-pitch or low-module gears. The design of these gears has its own specifics.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2013-01-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.

Micropitting of Big Gearboxes: Influence of Flank Modification and Surface Roughness

Most research on micropitting is done on small-sized gears. This article examines whether those results are also applicable to larger gears.

Influence of Surface Roughness on Gear Pitting Behavior

In earlier studies, surface roughness has been shown to have a significant influence on gear pitting life. This paper discusses how high surface roughness introduces a wear mechanism that delays the formation of pits. Accompanied by a full-page technical review.

Basic Honing & Advanced Free-Form Honing

Rotary gear honing is a crossed-axis, fine, hard finishing process that uses pressure and abrasive honing tools to remove material along the tooth flanks in order to improve the surface finish (.1-.3 um or 4-12u"Ra), to remove nicks and burrs and to change or correct the tooth geometry. Ultimately, the end results are quieter, stronger and longer lasting gears.

Obtaining Meaningful Surface Roughness Measurements on Gear Teeth

Surface roughness measuring of gear teeth can be a very frustrating experience. Measuring results often do not correlate with any functional characteristic, and many users think that they need not bother measuring surface roughness, since the teeth are burnished in operation. They mistakenly believe that the roughness disappears in a short amount of time. This is a myth! The surface indeed is shiny, but it still has considerable roughness. In fact, tests indicate that burnishing only reduces the initial roughness by approximately 25%.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1993-07-01

Gear Tip Chamfer and Gear Noise; Surface Measurement of Spiral Bevel Gear Teeth

Could the tip chamfer that manufacturing people usually use on the tips of gear teeth be the cause of vibration in the gear set? The set in question is spur, of 2.25 DP, with 20 degrees pressure angle. The pinion has 14 teeth and the mating gear, 63 teeth. The pinion turns at 535 rpm maximum. Could a chamfer a little over 1/64" cause a vibration problem?

Improving Gear Manufacturing Quality With Surface Texture Measurement

The working surfaces of gear teeth are often the result of several machining operations. The surface texture imparted by the manufacturing process affects many of the gear's functional characteristics. To ensure proper operation of the final assembly, a gear's surface texture characteristics, such as waviness and roughness, can be evaluated with modern metrology instruments.