


Cutting Tool Selection Criteria for Cylindrical Gear Manufacturing

This paper is divided into two parts. The first part is a general digression on the pressure angle on cylindrical gears. The pressure angle is a variable that plays an important role in defining the geometry of gears and hobs, yet it is not widely discussed. This introduction serves as a prerequisite for the second part of the paper. The second part will show an application case of choosing the most suitable hob to cut a given gear. In this selection process, particular attention will be paid to the pressure angle of the hob for cutting with modified rolling, i.e., with a reduced pressure angle compared to that of the gear.


Precision and Innovation in Gear Cutting

Gear cutting has witnessed remarkable advancements over the years, with modern technologies transforming traditional methods into streamlined, highly efficient processes. NIDEC’s tools and methodologies increase productivity and quality in manufacturing. This article delves into the technological innovations, market relevance, and advantages of their gear-cutting solutions.


Corrected Lead Hobs

During our interactions with customers, we find the common challenge faced by customers about getting incorrect component parameters using corrected lead hobs. To address the challenge, we will talk about what corrected lead hobs are, why it is necessary to design such hobs, and how to set up the hob on the machine depending upon the type of hobbing machine (manual, semiautomatic CNC, or CNC).

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-06-02

Ross Wegryn-Jones Joins Bourn & Koch

Bourn & Koch, Inc. of Rockford, IL, is pleased to report that Ross Wegryn-Jones has recently joined the company as our National Sales Manager. Ross will be responsible for the sales of gear manufacturing machines, precision grinding machines, and specialty machine tools for unique manufacturing applications. This includes Bourn & Koch horizontal gear hobbers; Fellows gear shapers; Blanchard rotary surface grinders, and Bourn & Koch’s new MT3 vertical grinding machine. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-08-17

Sandvik Coromant Wins Best Plant Award

Sandvik Coromant, has earned the 2022 IndustryWeek Best Plants Award for its Westminster, South Carolina, production site. The award is given to North American manufacturing plants that lead their industries in outstanding operational excellence, customer service and employee engagement.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-05-18

Hobbing and Chamfer Cutting

It wasn’t long ago that cylindrical gear chamfering and deburring was almost an afterthought. Now the process ranks as high in importance as hobbing, shaping and grinding. Seemingly every gear manufacturer, particularly those developing transmission gears for e-drive applications, recognizes that anything less than a flawless tooth flank can result in premature transmission failure, less-than-optimal efficiency, and unacceptable noise. Thus, generating a chamfer to precise customer specifications is critical to minimize the potential for sharp, brittle edges after heat treat; avoid edge load situations in the gearbox; and eliminate excessive stock and hardened burrs in the tooth flank prior to the hard finishing operations (conditions which can greatly diminish tool life).

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-05-17

Sandvik Coromant appoints two new members to its management team

Sandvik Coromant has appointed two new members to its management group. Michael Eneberg began his new role as vice president and head of global sales on May 1, 2022, while Nicolas Dellachiesa will join as head of merger and acquisitions (M&A) in June. Reporting to Sandvik Coromant President, Helen Blomqvist, both Eneberg and Dellachiesa will play vital roles in driving the company’s global growth forward.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-05-14

Advantages of Chamfering

State-of-the-Art Chamfer Cutting Technologies for Cylindrical Gears

Lessons Learned

No one succeeds in any field without help. Fifty years ago, I filled out a job application, took a physical, and counted t...

IMTS Future Tech

The Digital Manufacturing Revolution Evolves in 2020 IMTS will offer two comprehensive digital programs, IMTS Network and IMTS Sp...

ASK THE EXPERT | 2020-08-01

Selecting Correct Size of Hob/Gashing Cutter

How does one select the correct size of hob/gashing cutter like hob OD, length and number of flutes for teeth cutting process based on tip circle diameter and face width of job?

Family Recipes

My last post on helix angles and the constraining theories adopted at some shops reminded me that younger readers might not be aware that there was...

Ask the Expert: 5/20/20 Edition

From time to time I’ll be doing some brief Ask the Expert questions and answers. These questions will be on topics that might be very familiar ...

Claude Gosselin: Gears — Why Not?

When I graduated as a mechanical engineer in 1978, I landed a job in the “cold section” at Pratt & Whitney Canada (PWC) in Montreal. In those d...

Rob Swiss — The Accidental Engineer

Another young man discovers you need not be an expert machinist to succeed as a gear engineer. Spoiler alert: never tangle with a grinding wheel; they are undefeated in all time.

Planting Good Seeds

We are enjoying the origin story project very much and ...

Yefim Kotlyar — My Story

Yefim Kotlyar is a wonderful example of how gears unite the world. His background is much different than mine, yet we share a deep appreciation...

Why Would I Want to Work for You?

Why are some jobs more attractive than others? Why are some organizations able to succeed with “players” cut from other companies? Why are some pla...

Handling Changes

It is the solemn du...

A Time for Gratitude

An early winter storm has knocked out our Internet connection as I write this. A startling reminder of just how much we rely on the world wide web ...

Changing Bearings

Just as “conventional thinking” h...

Gear Materials: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Before we leave our study of materials, I want to share a few thoughts on heat treating, lab tests, and hardness testing. When you start working wi...

The Long and Short of It

One of the problems with “tribal knowledge” is that the terminology can confuse those who are not fully immersed in that community. I have lost ...


How Many Teeth Do You Want?

Designing gears is somewhat of a mathematical puzzle. You have lots of interconnected factors to play with in hopes of finding the “best” overall s...

It Gets Complicated

Why did something as simple as a standard tooth form fail to get traction? While the old joke about the number of opinions at any meeting of engine...

Seven Stages of Expertise

There is no “gear expert” merit badge for you to earn. I have posted before about the limited amount of gear education included in the standard eng...

The Future of Books

Moving required getting rid of lots of books. My much better half is also a reader and we made about a dozen trips to the resale shop to put our su...
ASK THE EXPERT | 2017-11-01

Friction Coefficient of Differently Treated Steel Surfaces

A reader asks about ion-nitride finished shafts and the proper friction coefficient to be used for calculations.

Gear Expo 2017 and ASM Heat Treat 2017 Booth Previews

The latest technology on display in Columbus, OH. October 24-26.

Exploring New Methods

I have been following developments on gear making in general-purpose CNC machines with great interest. The advent of affordable gear grinding seems...

Upgrading Your Toolbox

Manufacturers focus on tool design, materials, coating, machine tool options and cutting parameters.
ASK THE EXPERT | 2017-03-01

Universal Hobs

Another expert takes a crack at a previously answered question about double-helical gears and universal hobs.

Lowering That Overhead, Part II

How many of you have any idea what your company spends on perishable tooling? Working for small companies with tight wad owners perhaps made me mor...

Reflections on a Blog

This posting is the start of our fourth year of blogging on the gear industry. When the idea was first presented to me I did not have a firm idea o...

You Are Lost Without Records!

The guys who taught me to estimate all had great memories for part shapes, features — even part numbers. It takes years to develop that kind of tal...
ASK THE EXPERT | 2015-09-01

Liebherr - Barber Colman Hob Settings

I would like some instructions for setting the degrees and minutes on a Liebherr or Barber Colman hob. Our machines use a Vernier scale to match the lead angle of the cutter to the part to form straight teeth. There is a dispute on how to do this task, and I wanted insight from another professional.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-01-09

Taylor Hobson Introduces New High Resolution Instruments

A new series of high resolution instruments offering automated simultaneous surface and contour inspection has been introduced by Taylor ...

Overcoming Adversity

[starbox] My last blog concerned project management and the problems of staying on schedule. I thought it only fair to pass on some techniques I...

Gear Manufacturer Benefits from CAM Initiatives and Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Multiple CAM initiatives at Snyder Industries are improving safety, quality and productivity for parts ranging from 50 to 5,000 lbs.

The Influence of Tool Tolerances on the Gear Quality of a Gear Manufactured by an Indexable Insert Hob

Recently, a new type of hob with carbide inserts has been introduced, providing higher cutting speeds, longer tool life and higher feed rates when compared to re-grindable, high-speed steel hobs. But with this kind of hob, new challenges occur due to positional errors of the cutting edges when mounted on the tool. These errors lead to manufacturing errors on the gear teeth which must be controlled. In this paper, the tooth quality of a gear manufactured by hobs with different quality classes is analyzed using a simulation model in combination with Monte Carlo methods.

The Technology Shift

Decades ago, technology shifted from HSS to indexable inserts in turning and milling. This movement wasn't immediately realized in gear hobbing because coated PM-HSS hobs and complex gear profiles remained highly effective and productive methods. Only fairly recently have gear manufacturers started to take a serious look at indexable technology to cut gear teeth.

Different Consequences

[starbox] In the most recent issue of Gear Technology, the Publisher’s Page recounts the inaugural issue’s coverage of “transformative ...

Time Flies When You Are Making Gears

[starbox] On Saturday I began my 44th year in the gear industry. I remember way too many details of my first day as a drafting apprentice at the...

Gear Training Then and Now

[starbox] Blogging about gear training brings to mind the widely attended Illinois Tool Works Gear School that Bob Moderow operated on behalf of h...

Reinventing Cutting Tool Production at Gleason

Investment in advanced new manufacturing technologies is helping to reinvent production processes for bevel gear cutters and coarse-pitch hobs at Gleason - delivering significant benefits downstream to customers seeking shorter deliveries, longer tool life and better results.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2013-01-01

Progress in Gear Milling

Sandvik presents the latest in gear milling technologies.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2013-01-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.

Full Speed Ahead

Indexable carbide insert (ICI) cutting tools continue to play a pivotal role in gear manufacturing. By offering higher cutting speeds, reduced cycle times, enhanced coatings, custom configurations and a diverse range of sizes and capabilities, ICI tools have proven invaluable for finishing and pre-grind applications. They continue to expand their unique capabilities and worth in the cutting tool market.

An Innovative Way of Designing Gear Hobbing Processes

In today’s manufacturing environment, shorter and more efficient product development has become the norm. It is therefore important to consider every detail of the development process, with a particular emphasis on design. For green machining of gears, the most productive and important process is hobbing. In order to analyze process design for this paper, a manufacturing simulation was developed capable of calculating chip geometries and process forces based on different models. As an important tool for manufacturing technology engineers, an economic feasibility analysis is implemented as well. The aim of this paper is to show how an efficient process design—as well as an efficient process—can be designed.
EVENTS | 2012-05-01

Technical Calendar

The complete Technical Calendar from the May 2012 issue of Gear Technology.
VOICES | 2012-01-01

The Global Challenge to America's Engineering and Innovation Position

John P. Walter and Abby Dress analyze the challenges facing America's manufacturers to remain competitive in a global environment.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2011-10-01

LMT Fette Introduces SpeedCore

New material technology allows for more efficient and flexible hobbing.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2011-03-01

Zoller and Ingersoll Partner for Measuring Hob Cutters

With growing markets in aerospace and energy technologies, measuring hob cutters used in gear cutting is becoming an essential requirement for workpieces and machine tools. Zoller, a provider of solutions for tool pre-setters, measuring and inspection machines and tool management software, has developed a new partnership with Ingersoll/Germany for shop floor checking of hob cutters by a combined hardware and software approach.

Big Gears Better and Faster

Indexable carbide insert cutting tools for gears are nothing new. But big gears have recently become a very big business. The result is that there's been a renewed interest in carbide insert cutting tools.

The Effect of Straight-Sided Hob Teeth

It is well known that hobs with straight-sided teeth do not cut true involutes. In this paper, the difference between the straight side of a hob tooth and the axial profile of an involute worm is evaluated. It is shown that the difference increases as the diametral pitch increases, to the extent that for fine-pitch gearing, the difference is insignificant.

New Developments in Gear Hobbing

Several innovations have been introduced to the gear manufacturing industry in recent years. In the case of gear hobbing—the dry cutting technology and the ability to do it with powder-metallurgical HSS—might be two of the most impressive ones. And the technology is still moving forward. The aim of this article is to present recent developments in the field of gear hobbing in conjunction with the latest improvements regarding tool materials, process technology and process integration.

Comparison of PM-HSS and Cemented Carbide Tools in High-Speed Gear Hobbing

This article examines the dry hobbing capabilities of two cutting tool materials—powder metallurgical high-speed steel (PM-HSS) and cemented carbide. Cutting trials were carried out to analyze applicable cutting parameters and possible tool lives as well as the process reliability. To consider the influences of the machinability of different workpiece materials, a case hardening steel and a tempered steel were examined.

Hob Tool Life Technology Update

The method of cutting teeth on a cylindrical gear by the hobbing process has been in existence since the late 1800s. Advances have been made over the years in both the machines and the cutting tools used in the process. This paper will examine hob tool life and the many variables that affect it. The paper will cover the state-of-the-art cutting tool materials and coatings, hob tool design characteristics, process speeds and feeds, hob shifting strategies, wear characteristics, etc. The paper will also discuss the use of a common denominator method for evaluating hob tool life in terms of meters (or inches) per hob tooth as an alternative to tool life expressed in parts per sharpening.
VOICES | 2008-07-01

Entrepreneurialism and Survival in the Global Market

Joe Arvin of Arrow Gear gives his insight on what it takes to succeed in today's gear industry.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2007-11-01

Dontyne Debuts GATES Software

Dontyne Systems, a U.K. company founded by Michael Fish and David Palmer, recently unveiled a new software program for its Gear Production Suite.

How's Your Lead Time

The gear companies enjoying the most success in today’s global market are those that firmly believe quality is much more than expert craftsmanship and foolproof inspection methodologies.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2006-03-01

The Premise and the Promise

Gear Technology was founded 22 years ago on a very simple principle: to provide the best possible educational articles and information for the gear industry.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2005-04-13

New North American Subsidiary for Atlanta GmbH

Atlanta GmbH in Bietingheim-Bissingen, Germany, announced the formation of its new North American subsidiary, Atlanta Drive Systems Inc.,...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2004-01-04

New Managers at M&M Precision

Mark Cowan and John Zahora joined M&M Precision Systems Corp. of Willoughby, OH, in different management positions. According to the ...

High Accurate Hobbing with Specially Designed Finishing Hobs

Load-carrying capacity of gears, especially the surface durability, is influenced by their tooth surface roughness in addition to their tooth profiles and tooth traces.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2003-05-01

Product News

Complete Product News for May/June 2003.

Performance of Skiving Hobs in Finishing Induction Hardened and Carburized Gears

In order to increase the load carrying capacity of hardened gears, the distortion of gear teeth caused by quenching must be removed by precision cutting (skiving) and/or grinding. In the case of large gears with large modules, skiving by a carbide hob is more economical than grinding when the highest accuracy is not required.

Hobs & Form Relived Cutters: Common Sharpening Problems

Fig. 1 shows the effects of positive and negative rake on finished gear teeth. Incorrect positive rake (A) increase the depth and decreases the pressure angle on the hob tooth. The resulting gear tooth is thick at the top and thin at the bottom. Incorrect negative rake (B) decreases the depth and increases the pressure angle. This results in a cutting drag and makes the gear tooth thin at the top and thick at the bottom.

New Guideless CNC Shaper for Helical Gears

Product announcements so often trumpet minor, incremental advances with works like "revolutionary" and "unique" that even the best thesaurus can fail to offer a fresh alternative to alert the reader when something really innovative and important is introduced. In the case of Mitsubishi's new CNC gear shaper, the ST25CNC, both terms apply.

Production Increase When Hobbing with Carbide Hobs

We are all looking for ways to increase production without sacrificing quality. One of the most cost-effective ways is by improving the substrate material of your hob. Solid carbide hobs are widely used in many applications throughout the world. LMT-Fette was the first to demonstrate the use of solid carbide hobs in 1993 on modern high-speed carbide (HSC) hobbing machines. Since then the process of dry hobbing has been continuously improving through research and product testing. Dry hobbing is proving to be successful in the gear cutting industry as sales for dry hobbing machines have steadily been rising along with the dramatic increase in sales of solid carbide hobs.

Eddy Current Examination of Gear Systems

Nondestructive examination (NDE) of ferrous and nonferrous materials has long proved an effective maintenance and anomaly characterization tool for many industries. Recent research has expanded its applicability to include the inspection of large, open gear drives. Difficulties inherent in other NDE methods make them time-consuming and labor-intensive. They also present the user with the environmental problem of the disposal of used oil. The eddy current method addresses these problems.
VOICES | 1997-03-01

Dry Hobbing: Another Point of View

I would like to comment on David Arnesen's article, "Dry Hobbing Saves Automaker Money, Improves Gear Quality," in the Nov/Dec, 1996 issue.

Dry Hobbing Saves Automaker Money, Improves Gear Quality

It takes confidence to be the first to invest in new manufacturing technology. But the payback can be significant. That has been the experience at the Ford Motor Company's Transmission & Chassis Division plant at Indianapolis, IN, which boasts the world's first production application of dry hobbing.

Cutting Tools Now

The cutting tool is basic to gear manufacturing. Whether it's a hob, broach, shaper cutter or EDM wire, not much gets done without it. And the mission of the tool remains the same as always; removing material as quickly, accurately and cost-effectively as possible. Progress in the field tends to be evolutionary, coming gradually over time, but recently, a confluence of emerging technologies and new customer demands has caused significant changes in the machines, the materials and the coatings that make cutting tools.

Gear Hobbing Without Coolant

For environmental and economic reasons, the use of coolant in machining processes is increasingly being questioned. Rising coolant prices and disposal costs, as well as strains on workers and the environment, have fueled the debate. The use of coolant has given rise to a highly technical system for handling coolant in the machine (cooling, filtering) and protecting the environment (filter, oil-mist collector). In this area the latest cutting materials - used with or without coolant - have great potential for making the metal-removal process more economical. The natural progression to completely dry machining has decisive advantages for hobbing.

New Innovations in Hobbing - Part II

The first part of this article, which ran in the September/October 1994 issue, explained the fundamentals of gear hobbing and some of the latest techniques, including methods of hob performance analysis and new tool configurations, being used to solve specific application problems. In this issue, the author continues his exploration of hobbing by describing the effects of progress on requirements in accuracy, as well as the latest in materials, coating and dry hobbing.

New Innovations in Hobbing - Part I

Prior to the introduction of titanium nitride to the cutting tool industry in the early 1980s, there was very little progress in the general application of hobbing in the gear cutting industry. The productivity gains realized with this new type of coating initiated a very active time of advancement in the gear manufacturing process.

Computerized Hob Inspection & Applications of Inspection Results Part II

Flute Index Flute index or spacing is defined as the variation from the desired angle between adjacent or nonadjacent tooth faces measured in a plane of rotation. AGMA defines and provides tolerance for adjacent and nonadjacent flute spacing errors. In addition, DIN and ISO standards provide tolerances for individual flute variation (Fig. 1).

Computerized Hob Inspection & Applications of Inspection Results - Part I

Can a gear profile generated by the hobbing method be an ideal involute? In strictly theoretical terms - no, but in practicality - yes. A gear profile generated by the hobbing method is an approximation of the involute curve. Let's review a classic example of an approximation.

Carbide Rehobbing A New Technology That Works!

Many people in the gear industry have heard of skiving, a process wherein solid carbide or inserted carbide blade hobs with 15 - 60 degrees of negative rake are used to recut gears to 62 Rc. The topic of this article is the use of neutral (zero) rake solid carbide hobs to remove heat treat distortion, achieving accuracies of AGMA 8 to AGMA 14, DIN 10-5 and improving surface finish on gears from 8 DP - 96 DP (.3 module - .26 m.).
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1994-01-01

The Gear Hobbing Process

Gear hobbing is a generating process. The term generating refers to the fact that the gear tooth form cut is not the conjugate form of the cutting tool, the hob. During hobbing both the hob and the workpiece rotate in a continuous rotational relationship. During this rotation, the hob is typically fed axially with all the teeth being gradually formed as the tool traverses the work face (see Fig. 1a).
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1994-01-01

Cutting Worm Gears with Standard Gear Hobs

We make a lot of single-start worm and worm gear sets, and it always seems as though we're buying another special hob. We also do a lot of spur gear cutting, and the spur gear hobs and the worm gear hobs look alike, so we wonder why we cannot use the standard hobs for cutting worm gears too. Can we do this?

Hob Basics Part II

This is Part II of a two-part series on the basics of gear hobbing. Part I discussed selection of the correct type of hobbing operation, the design features of hobs and hob accuracy. This part will cover sharpening errors and finish hob design considerations.

Hob Basics Part I

The Hobbing Process The hobbing process involves a hob which is threaded with a lead and is rotated in conjunction with the gear blank at a ratio dependent upon the number of teeth to be cut. A single thread hob cutting a 40-tooth gear will make 40 revolutions for each revolution of the gear. The cutting action in hobbing is continuous, and the teeth are formed in one passage of the hob through the blank. See Fig. 1 for a drawing of a typical hob with some common nomenclature.
ASK THE EXPERT | 1993-05-01

Using Hobs for Skiving; A Pre-Finish and Finishing Solution

Our company manufactures a range of hardened and ground gears. We are looking into using skiving as part of our finishing process on gears in the 4-12 module range made form 17 CrNiMO6 material and hardened to between 58 and 62 Rc. Can you tell us more about this process?


Line of Action: Concepts & Calculations

In the past gear manufacturers have had to rely on hob manufacturers' inspection of individual elements of a hob, such as lead, involute, spacing, and runout. These did not always guarantee correct gears, as contained elements may cause a hob to produce gears beyond tolerance limits.

High Technology Hobs

Today's high technology hobs are visible different from their predecessors. Gear hobs have taken on a different appearance and function with present day technology and tool and material development. This article shows the newer products being offered today and the reasons for investigating their potential for use in today's modern gear hobbers, where cost reduction and higher productivity are wanted.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1992-01-01

The Right and Wrong of Modern Hob Sharpening

Precision gears play a vital role in today's economy. Through their application, automobile transmissions are more compact and efficient, ships sail faster, and diesel locomotives haul more freight. Today great emphasis is being placed upon the reduction of noise in all gear applications and, to be quiet, gears must be accurate.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1991-07-01

Pineapples, Corncobs & Other Hobbing Matters

Two questions on hobbing cover the various types of hobs and their unusual names, as well as the importance of hob swivel angle.

Carbide Hobs

The following article is a collection of data intended to give the reader a general overview of information related to a relatively new subject within the gear cutting industry. Although carbide hobbing itself is not necessarily new, some of the methods and types of application are. While the subject content of this article may be quite broad, it should not be considered all-inclusive. The actual results obtained and the speeds, feeds, and tool life used in carbide hobbing applications can vary significantly.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1991-03-01

Our Experts Discuss...

Question: I have just become involved with the inspection of gears in a production operation and wonder why the procedure specifies that four involute checks must be made on each side of the tooth of the gear being produced, where one tooth is checked and charted in each quadrant of the gear. Why is this done? These particular gears are checked in the pre-shaved, finish-shaved, and the after-heat-treat condition, so a lot of profile checking must be done.

Effects of Hob Quality and Resharpening Errors on Generating Accuracy

The modern day requirement for precision finished hobbed gears, coupled with the high accuracy characteristics of modern CNC hobbing machines, demands high tool accuracy.

Longitudinal Load Distribution Factor for Straddle- and Overhang-Mounted Spur Gears

A pair of spur gears generally has an effective lead error which is caused, not only by manufacturing and assembling errors, but also by the deformations of shafts, bearings and housings due to the transmitted load. The longitudinal load distribution on a contact line of the teeth of the gears is not uniform because of the effective lead error.
VOICES | 1986-11-01

Balance is Critical - Monitoring Essential

These are changing times for industry. Trauma and uncertainty are always a part of change, and change is not always for the better. Change is usually forced, most frequently by competition. Our competitive free enterprise system should be able to respond to competition because that's its basis. These are critical years. If we do not respond effectively to change and competition, it could be disasterous.
VOICES | 1986-07-01


Since we are a high volume shop, we were particularly interested in Mr. Kotlyar's article describing the effects of hob length on production efficiency which appeared in the Sept/Oct issue of Gear Technology. Unfortunately, some readers many be unnecessarily deterred from applying the analysis to their own situations by the formidabilty of the mathematical calculations. I am making the following small suggestion concerning the evaluation of the constant terms.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1986-03-01

Design and Selection of Hobs

The following is a general overview of some of the different factors that lead to the specific design. and the selection of the correct tool for a given hobbing application.
VOICES | 1985-09-01

Industry Forum

Your May/June issue contains a letter from Edward Ubert of Rockwell International with some serious questions about specifying and measuring tooth thickness.

Hob Length Effects

Hobbing is probably the most popular gear manufacturing process. Its inherent accuracy and productivity makes it a logical choice for a wide range of sizes.

Hard Gear Processing with Skiving Hobs

As we approach the problem of hard gear processing, it is well to take a look at the reason for discussing it at this time. In our present economic atmosphere throughout the world, more and more emphasis is being placed upon efficiency which is dictated by higher energy costs.

Tooth Forms for Hobs

The gear hobbing process is a generating type of production operation. For this reason, the form of the hob tooth is always different from the form of the tooth that it produces.

Advantages of Titanium Nitride Coated Gear Tools

A brief introduction to the subject of Thin Film Coatings and their application to gear hobs and shaper cutters is followed by a detailed description of the Chemical Vapor Deposition Process and the Physical Vapor Deposition Process. Advantages and disadvantages of each of these processes is discussed. Emphasis is placed upon: application engineering of coated gear tools based on laboratory and field test results. Recommendations are suggested for tool design improvements and optimization of gear cutting operations using coated tools. Productivity improvements potentially available by properly utilizing coated tools are considered in terms of both tool cost and machining cost.