AGMA is happy to announce the publication of two new documents: AGMA 925-B22, Effect of Tribology and Lubrication on Gear Surface Distress, written by a subcommittee of the AGMA Helical Gear Rating Committee, and, AGMA 943-A22, Tolerances for Spur and Helical Racks, written by the AGMA Gear Accuracy Committee.
Tool-X is a nanofluid that changes the characteristics of existing metalworking fluids by ‘manipulating’ speeds, feeds and metal removal rates using nanotechnology. The science behind Tool-X can potentially change metal cutting dynamics, improve surface finishes and extend tool life. The backstory of this technology is just as fascinating as its production results.
Many see the fluids as an unnecessary evil to the grinding process, failing to realize that selecting the right grinding fluid can lead to significant improvements in cycle time, surface quality, finishes, secondary operations, such as tool coatings. Oelheld has put together a short article on grinding oil considerations.
For certain operating conditions and environments, liquid lubrication of gear drives is not possible, or can only be implemented with great restrictions or at high cost.