Sentences that start off with
some variance of “I don’t want
to brag, but…” are generally a
good indicator that it’s precisely
what the speaker intends to
do and typically end with bold
proclamations that are immediately
and eminently quotable — the kind of quotes perfect for beginning a feature
story with an eye-catching artistic flourish.
A reader asks: While I have read a reasonable amount of the literature on the pros and cons of anti-wear and anti-scuff additives, I find that the more I read, the more confused I become. I could use some clarity in my life.
Historically, wind turbine gearbox failures have plagued the industry. Yet an effective oil analysis program will
increase the reliability and availability of your machinery, while minimizing maintenance costs associated with oil change-outs, labor, repairs and downtime. Practical action steps are presented here to improve reliability.