Depending on who you ask, the Industrial Internet of Things is growing more slowly than anyone predicted. Why is that, and
what does that mean for the gear manufacturing industry?
More than any other field, IIoT overlaps directly with metrology's mission to analyze and measure as much of the manufacturing process as possible, and it's no surprise that the latter is utilizing the former.
Emerging technologies such as robotics/automation, new materials, additive manufacturing and IIoT can and will change the course of gear manufacturing for the foreseeable future.
At first, monitoring the energy I use at my plant or the energy for each individual machine seemed trivial. Isn't this just an overhead cost I have to pay? I'm certainly not going to turn off a machine that costs too much to run
when I have to get a job out for that month. Then, I realized how much savings
there was for monitoring power consumption and the ROI was timely.