The aim of our research is to clearly show the influence of defects on the bending fatigue strength of gear teeth. Carburized gears have many types of defects, such as non-martensitic layers, inclusions, tool marks, etc. It is well known that high strength gear teeth break from defects in their materials, so it’s important to know which defect limits the strength of a gear.
High demands for cost-effectiveness and improved product quality can be achieved via a new low pressure
carburizing process with high pressure gas quenching. Up to 50% of the heat treatment time can be saved. Furthermore, the distortion of the gear parts could be reduced because of gas quenching, and grinding costs could be saved. This article gives an overview of the principles of the process technology and the required furnace technology. Also, some examples of practical applications
are presented.
Gear designs are evolving at an ever accelerating rate, and gear manufacturers need to better understand
how the choice of materials and heat treating methods can optimize mechanical properties, balance overall cost and extend service life.